The 20 Gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Bible


If you have faith in Jesus Christ, you have at least one Gift of the Holy Spirit. Which gift(s) have you been given? Here they are:



The Gift of Administration

It is to minister to others by leading your community with a humble spirit. Are you gifted for Administration?

The Gift of Apostle

It is to be sent into a new cultural milieu to proclaim Jesus Christ. Are you gifted as an Apostle?

The Gift of Contributing

It is to give money to people who need it. Are you gifted for Contributing?

The Gift of Discernment

It is to sleuth the subtle differences between possibilities. Are you gifted you for Discernment?

The Gift of Encouraging

It is to build up other people. Are you gifted for Encouraging?

The Gift of Evangelist

It is to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to non-Christians. Are you gifted as an Evangelist?

The Gift of Faith

It is to believe for the impossible. Are you gifted for Faith?

The Gift of Healing

It is to bring about actual miraculous healing. Are you gifted for Healing?

The Gift of Helping

It is to assist with meeting someone’s need. Are you gifted you for Helping?

The Gift of Interpretation

It is to thoroughly translate what someone else says. Are you gifted for Interpreting?

The Gift of Knowledge

It is to accumulate knowledge of the faith and minister by sharing it with others. Are you gifted for Knowledge?

The Gift of Mercy

It is to show compassion to people who are less fortunate. Are you gifted for Mercy?

The Gift of Miracles

It is to cause an unexplainable change by means of God’s ability. Are you gifted for Miracles?

The Gift of Prophet

It is to communicate God’s revealed truth. Are you gifted as a Prophet?

The Gift of Serving

It is to assist with the needs of other people. Are you gifted for Serving?

The Gift of Shepherd

It is to feed and protect the people under your spiritual authority. Are you gifted as a Shepherd?

The Gift of Speaking

It is to speak forth the literal mind of God. Are you gifted to Speak?

The Gift of Teaching

It is to impart knowledge of the faith to your learners. Are you gifted for Teaching?

The Gift of Tongues

It is to speak in some unknown language. Are you gifted for Speaking in Tongues?

The Gift of Wisdom

It is to see into life situations and offer practical godly advice. Are you gifted for Wisdom?

Discern Your Gift

The Bible describes 20 Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Do any of those 20 resonate with you? We invite you to act like a scientist, and perform experiments. Read more »



Church History

Gifts of the Holy Spirit




